Become a Tutor Instructions

Step 1:

On SpeedyTutor’s homepage, select Become a Tutor

Step 3:

SpeedyTutor will create a profile for the tutor based on their answers on the Tutor Questionnaire. This will be displayed on the website in our Tutor Directory.

Step 4:

SpeedyTutor will send the tutor access to the tutor portal.

Step 5:

To add subjects, tutors will need to login to the portal, select the arrow to the right of their email address, and select “Profile”, “Services”, and the tutor will be able to select the subject they wish to tutor. Note: If there is a subject you would like to see added, please contact us at

Step 6:

In the Services tab, the tutor will be able to add their hourly rate for each subject.

Step 7:

In the Working Hours tab, which is also known as the tutor availability tab, you will be able to set your availability throughout the week.

Step 8:

After the above steps are completed, SpeedyTutor will send an invitation to complete your 1099 form. During this process, the tutor will submit your bank account information, and the tutor will need their social security number handy for tax purposes.

Step 9:

After completing the 1099 form, SpeedyTutor will add the tutor to their payroll account and they will be verified to tutor with SpeedyTutor.