SpeedyTutor Background Check Policy

Background Check Information: 

Students and Parents can use the findings of a criminal background check and Social Security number trace to help them choose a qualified local tutor. SpeedyTutor has partnered with Checkr, Inc. to provide SpeedyTutor with background check services. SpeedyTutor does not require tutors on its website to have a background check.

How it Works:

As a SpeedyTutor tutor, we require your legal name, residential address, Social Security number, and any aliases you may have. Furthermore, as a tutor, you must submit an authorization for a background check when Checkr requests it within seven (7) days of the initial request.  When this is obtained, as requested by a tutor, student, or parent, Checkr will conduct a National Criminal Database check, yielding just the following results:

1. Social Security Number Trace
-Confirming that the SSN provided is a valid number and is not simply on the death index. 
2. Convictions for Felonies and Misdemeanors 
-Within the last seven (7) years, including sex crime convictions (misdemeanor or felony). 
3. Searching of the Sex Offender Registry and the Global Watchlist
-Regardless of when the conviction occurred.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, the following convictions relating to children, theft, fraud, or violence will result in the deactivation of a tutor's profile from the website: felony convictions within the last seven years; and misdemeanor convictions within the last three years, with the exception of misdemeanors relating to children, which will be considered within seven years. SpeedyTutor, on the other hand, will analyze each background report, taking into account the kind and degree of the offense, the time of the offense, and the fact that the person is attempting to be a tutor. Before removing an individual's account from the website, SpeedyTutor will allow them to challenge any false or incomplete information.

The background check is merely a database search, it may not include all federal, state, and local information.  This means that minor charges may not be discovered through a background check, and the background check will only cover publicly known convictions, not all arrests or overseas records. Not all databases are current. To preserve the privacy of tutors, the results of background checks are only given to SpeedyTutor on a pass/fail basis. Background checks are not perfect and may offer members a false sense of security. Background checks are not a perfect answer for safety, and criminals can get through even the most powerful search equipment. For additional information, please see the Terms of Service.

Purchasing a Background Check

A background check can be requested in two ways. In both circumstances, the person who orders the check is responsible for the $34.99 price. To begin, a tutor may choose to do a background check on himself or herself. This is an optional step. Second, a student or parent may request that a tutor undergo a background check. When a student or parent orders a background check, the tutor's failure to provide the requested information and authorization to process the background check will be interpreted as an indication that the tutor no longer wishes to find tutoring opportunities through SpeedyTutor, and SpeedyTutor will deactivate the tutor's account from the SpeedyTutor website. Furthermore, the student or parent can request a background check on a tutor by emailing help@speedytutor.com. The student or parent will get an invoice that must be completed before the background check is initiated. After the background is complete, the student or parent will receive a copy of the tutor's background check.

What occurs once a Background Check is successful? 

When SpeedyTutor receives information of a successful background check, SpeedyTutor will notify the tutor through email and update the tutor's profile accordingly. It will be displayed in the tutor’s profile "Tutor has successfully completed & passed the background check”. Students and parents may also choose to do extra background checks on their own dime. When this happens, SpeedyTutor will notify the tutor through email and update the tutor's profile accordingly.

What happens if a Background Check does not fulfill the SpeedyTutor's requirements?

SpeedyTutor will delete the account of any tutor who fails to pass a background check or who fails to provide the essential information and authorization for a background check within a certain time frame. Furthermore, we will notify any students the tutor may have contacted while a member of SpeedyTutor that the tutor has not met the site's background check requirements. All disagreements concerning the outcome of the background check must be submitted to Checkr, Inc. at the contact information provided below, with notification to SpeedyTutor (help@speedytutor.com).

Checkr, Inc.

One Montgomery Street, Suite 2000

San Francisco, CA 94108

Telephone: 844-824-3257

Email: support@checkr.com


If a background check is changed, SpeedyTutor will reinstate the tutor's account.  When the tutor's account is reactivated, SpeedyTutor will notify any former pupils. Please keep in mind that providing false or insufficient personal information, such as a tutor's name, alias, or Social Security number, may result in a background check that does not fulfill the website's requirements, and therefore the tutor's account will be canceled.