Rules and Guidelines for SpeedyTutor Resources

To make Resources as beneficial and helpful as possible, please read and abide by the following guidelines:

  1. Don’t be rude. This forum is intended to be a helpful. All users are expected to treat one another with respect. This respect should also extend to the SpeedyTutor site in general, including its staff, and the moderators who help run it.
  2. Resources is moderated with a common sense perspective. We reserve the right to remove any content at any time, without giving prior notice or warning.
  3. No disruptive behavior will be tolerated. This behavior includes but is not limited to flaming, trolling, or providing posts/comments that encourage that behavior.
  4. No victimization of others or the use of discriminatory language will be tolerated. This behavior includes but is not limited to personal attacks of other users for any reason including without limitation, any sexist, racist, ableist, homophobic, or transphobic slurs.
  5. No condescending or aggressive comments will be tolerated. This behavior includes but is not limited to shouting down others, sarcastic comments or posts, or insulting other users.
  6. No discussion of illegal activities or distribution of illegal material whatsoever will be tolerated. This includes without limitation distribution of pornographic or otherwise obscene material.
  7. No spam or commercial advertising will be permitted.
  8. Duplicate posts and content may be removed. This can include posts or comments of a similar nature from the same user.
  9. All posts and comments should be written in English, unless the post or comment is about a foreign language or foreign language topic. Grammatical or formatting errors may be edited by the moderators for readability.
  10. When possible, do not simply give the answer to a user’s question on Ask an Expert. Each response should include some form of explanation for context.
  11. Resources may not contain copyrighted material. Any content that is found to be in violation of a held copyright is subject to removal. You should not copy, upload or post to SpeedyTutor’s site content you do not own or have permission to use. Please respect the rights of publishers.
  12. We will not discuss moderation decisions publicly and any comments about moderation decisions will be removed.
  13. All Tutors listed on the SpeedyTutor platform are expected to follow the terms in the Independent Tutor Agreement.
  14. All users are expected to follow the SpeedyTutor Academic Honesty Policy. 


Any questions or objections to the rules and guidelines of Resources should be emailed to